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✧ Holistic Life Coaching ✧

Step into the essence of your being and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment through my personalized life coaching sessions. Tailored to address various dimensions of your life, including relationships, personal growth, sexuality, and spirituality, these sessions are designed to assist you in setting and achieving meaningful objectives, overcoming challenges, and cultivating a life of balance, wellbeing and fulfillment.


Within the fabric of our coaching, we integrate the transformative practices of somatic experience, shadow work, and trauma release. Somatic experience adds a unique dimension, allowing you to connect with the wisdom stored in your body. By tuning into physical sensations and responses, you embark on a holistic exploration, enhancing the remembrance of who you truly are. Shadow work becomes a lantern guiding you through the forgotten corners of your personality, fostering healing and self-acceptance. Simultaneously, a trauma-informed approach provides a sanctuary for releasing emotional burdens from past experiences, enabling you to reconnect with your authentic essence.


As your dedicated life coach, my focus is on co-creating a journey with you to identify and overcome obstacles that may be hindering your progress. Together, we craft a roadmap for your personal development, aiming to empower you in achieving your goals. Each session is an opportunity to remember the core of who you truly are, unlocking your innate potential, and aligning with a life that reflects your values and aspirations.


Embark on this transformative journey with us, where every coaching session becomes a sacred space for rediscovering the essence of your being, incorporating the wisdom of your body. Find the balance you seek, overcome obstacles, and embrace a life that resonates with authenticity and fulfillment. Your journey towards self-empowerment and the remembrance of your true self, both somatic and spiritual, starts here.


For couples seeking to deepen their connection through sacred intimacy I offer:


✧ Personalized Couple Sessions ✧

Embark on a transformative journey with your partner, guided by Tantric principles. These sessions are crafted to enhance communication, deepen intimacy, and foster harmonious relationships. Delve into uncovering and releasing old trauma patterns when needed. Whether you seek to reignite the spark, navigate challenges, or strengthen the foundation of your relationship, these couple sessions focus on creating a safe and supportive space for both partners to grow together. Through the art of breathwork, energy alignment, and tantric practices, these sessions offer tools for couples to strengthen their bond and embark on a journey of shared growth and deepened intimacy.



✧ 1x1 - Individual Holistic Life Coaching Sessions ✧

Sliding scale / per hour

120€/ 150€/ 180€


✧ Prices Personalised Couple Sessions ✧

Sliding scale/per hour:

150€/ 180€/ 210€


Sliding scale makes it possible to choose the rate that best matches your needs and budget. If you are in need to meet with me, but have a limited budget, please write to me for a scholarship price.  I usually recommend the first session to be minimum 3 hours. It’s also good to give yourself a minimum of three consecutive sessions, where the following two sessions can be of shorter duration than the first one. 


For the 3 hr session there is a 50€ discount.


I work in person in The Netherlands, in Norway and in France, whenever I am there. I also work extensively online via Zoom.


To book a session:

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